Wednesday, August 7, 2013

RAC LA Mutual Aid Food Program

Healthy Food is a Human Right!

Every Sunday in MacArthur Park .  10:00 am-5:00pm
SW Corner of Wilshire  Blvd. and Park View Ave.

Running Down the Walls 2013

L.A. Save the Date September 8, 2013 for this years Running Down The Walls!!! More info coming soon and if you want to help day of organize workshops or contribute in any way please do. Message or comment for more details!!!

On Sunday, September 8th, 2013 at 10 a.m., the Los Angeles Anarchist Black Cross and Revolutionary Autonomous Communities Los Angeles will host a 5K Run/Walk/Bike around MacArthur Park. This Run is designed to raise much-needed funds for the Anarchist Black Cross Federation's Warchest program and for RAC LA.

Remember Hiroshima!!!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Rest in Power Trayvon!

Trayvon Martin (Feb. 5, 1995 – Feb. 26, 2012) should have celebrated his 18th birthday today. His family, the search for justice, and all the families of children who have been killed are in our thoughts today and every day.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Fort Hernandez Update

Update 4:38p.m :#FortHernandez
Today is October 29, for Fort Hernandez it is day 65 since we decided to ignore the unjust eviction issued by Bank of America. This morning at approximately 9:30am the LAPD deployed 80-100 officers, completely blocking off Leadwell St. as well as Vista del Monte and Cedros St. They entered the area they had blocked off and ordered all of our neighbors not to come out of their homes. A few residents who were outside of the perimeter when it had been established were not allowed access to their own property. Media was also barred from entering. A supporter later informed us that they had told her that they were “running a tactical drill.” After the LAPD established this perimeter; 25 employees from Street Services began to tear down the barricade. A bulldozer was brought in to take the remnants of the barricade and put them into a dumpster as a helicopter flew overhead. One of our supporters, Amber Barrero was arrested during this process o
n an old warrant.
Earlier this month Javier and Ulises had been issued citations for the barricade and the couches set in front of it. However the court date to discuss these citations has not yet come. Furthermore the citation that was issued to Ulises was given when he was not even present and lacks a signature of an officer.
First and foremost today’s events are an obvious show of intimidation; the terrorist tactics used by the LAPD are a clear attempt to deter our neighbors from supporting us. Tearing down the barricade before the court ruled on when or if it had to be taken down is an obvious lack of accountability to the judicial process they are suppose to be a part of. It is also a violation of our first amendment rights. The barricade was always an artistic display of resistance and tossing it away also meant a loss of protest materials and the destruction of artwork that had been donated by children from our family and the community at large.
In a show of solidarity we ask any and all supporters to call the Van Nuys Police Station and demand the release of our supporter as well as answers to the excessive and irresponsible use of resources to terrorize our family and community.
or 818-374-9645 for the jail house

With faith and resolve that has not been shaken,
-La Familia Hernandez


Update:Our wall is gone but we are still here! We thank each and everyone of you reading this now.
Comrade Amber of Occupy San Fernando Valley, was arrested outside of the police line @#FortHernandez please call LAPD Van Nuys division at 818-374-9500 and ask for her release

100 Riot Police surround #FortHernandez, Occupiers in L.A. have been defending this home as well as #FortLucero for over 60 days now and the police have approached to issue a citation for "blocking a sidewalk". 

Alert: Cops in riot gear are in front of fort Hernandez 

  • Cops in riot gear are in front of fort Hernandez

    Shadow media is streaming live from Fort Hernandez. Cops are there with riot gear and all streets are closed

    Update from Fort Hernandez FB

    Please call and tell them to stop their attack on Fort Hernandez
    LAPD Van Nuys division at 818-374-9500

    Council Member Tony Cardenás' office in van nuys: 818) 778-4999 flood their lines....

#FortHernandez Day 64 - RAC Volunteers

via #Fort Hernandez

#FortHernandez Day 64 - RAC Volunteers

Revolutionary Autonomous Communities (RAC) feeds the people through a network of local donations every Sunday in MacArthur Park downtown.  We went there today to volunteer, helping the effort and networking with comrades in the fight for autonomy.  As trucks pulled up with produce we off-loaded the boxes.  Organic heirloom tomatoes, watermelons, butternut squash, avocados, kale, and grapes are just a few of the vegetables that were gifted to the community.

Gift boxes were laid out in rows and filled with an assortment of items.  Rice, beans and dry goods were separated into bags. Volunteers snacked on pineapple slices covered with chile pepper.  Tasty!

There were long spaces in between supply drop-offs.  We filled the time talking about the movement, sharing stories about happenings at the Fort and RAC.  RAC is a revolutionary federation of councils and liberated spaces based in occupied communities. They build self-sustainability and create the structure, strategy, and program for change through direct participatory forms of consensus. Their strategy for Decolonization, Land and Liberty includes outreach, popular and political education, direct action, community programs, empowerment, support, physical training and mutual aid, so people can build self reliance and gain the skills, resources and the experience to liberate themselves. They do what we're doing at Fort Hernandez. The exchange of information is just as nourishing as the food.

In the hot part of the day the women retired to the shade and held a women's circle.  Comprised of young and old, they held hands exchanged knowledge and wisdom, hugged, and prayed.  Beautiful and healing.  It felt like the heartbeat of the movement.

Around us the park was filled with people resting, playing soccer, making music.  We took naps too, waiting for more trucks to arrive.

After the last of the deliveries arrived, we passed out the food to the people.  RAC donated several boxes to Fort Hernandez, which we took back with us and will use in our kitchen.  Food is so much better when it has  love and solidarity in it.  Thank you RAC!  Another world is Possible!